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Check out the hottest video trends!

Video Production

Your audiences have no patience. Attention span is getting shorter, and tastes are getting pickier. You have seconds to grab attention, small screens to radiate authenticity and a competitive social media scene to build real connection.

How to ace it?

Get live, go viral and vlog this *ish up!

This Post Should Have Been a Video: Internet users adore video. They engage, comment, and share it more than old-school static posts. Want them to take notice? Start filming!

"By 2024, the average internet user will watch 100+ minutes of online videos daily. And video ads share 12 times more than traditional images." Source: InVideo.

Watch to Buy: People are simple beings. 90% of internet users just need a fun video to spark that impulse buy! So, ditch those clunky Canva graphics. Make it move!

"90% of consumers say that videos help them decide to buy a product." Source: Raw Pictures.

Stream and Get Real: Live streaming will remain the backbone of building connections. Show your audience your real voice, no filter, no scripts, no edits, no BS.

"Live video will continue to dominate internet traffic, with an estimated 25% of total traffic expected to be from lives by 2025." Source: Saji Broy.

Go Viral, Get Fame: Viral clips will remain the social force, so hop on the latest trends, use the catchiest tunes, dance to the challenges, do what’s trending to try and catch the fame!

"Notably, viral videos drive a surge in website traffic, translating interest into actions like increased sales, sign-ups, or downloads." Source: 2 Stallions.

Film FOMO: Make sure to invest in ephemeral content. Disappearing stories exude exclusivity, prompt urgency, and inspire your audience to stay hooked.

"Ephemeral content will continue to captivate audiences. The temporary nature of these posts creates a sense of urgency, driving user engagement and curiosity." Source: Clooned.

Keep it Snappy: The social sphere is about bite-sized brilliance. Micro-learning and snappy storytelling generate more engagement in total, as short format is not overwhelming.

"85% of viewers prefer videos that are 15 seconds or less." Source: Influencer Marketing Hub.

Chase the Tech: AI videos, though awkward, are on the rise. Expect 360-degree videos, VR, and other high-tech trinkets to keep disrupting the scene. Get on it, not to lag behind.

"The use of AI in video marketing will increase, with over 60% of marketers planning to use AI-powered tools to personalize their video content." Source: Salesforce.

Tick, tock, tick tock: The new kid on the block is taking over. TikTok will outshine Facebook as a video marketing platform. It will go after YouTube soon after.

"TikTok to eclipse Facebook in influencer marketing spend this year, YouTube by 2024." Source: PaySpace Magazine.

The LinkedIn Love: The LinkedIn crowd is all about the life-long learning. Or about showing off the videos they have liked to their network! Regardless, take note and grow reach.

"LinkedIn users are an incredible 20 times more likely to share video content than any other type of content." Source: Kinsta.

YouTube is King: YouTube rules the video realm, obvs. The OG platform dominates and likely will until Gen Z TikToks its way in.

"YouTube’s dominance in video marketing is expected to continue, with a forecasted 2.85 billion monthly active users by 2025." Source: Asap Canopy.

Bring That Money, Honey: Video making is not just for fun. Investing in creative video marketing pays! So, immerse your viewers and cash the big bucks.

"88% of marketers agree that video has improved their ROI." Source: HubSpot.

Treat me Special: You already know video is effective, but how about you personalize it? People love to feel extraordinary, personalize their content and reap the benefits instantly.

"Video personalization is key – 80% of consumers engage more with videos tailored just for them." Source: Adobe.

This Should Have Been an Email: Email marketing might work the most on the anxious, text-based Millennials, BUT, if video is involved, more clicks ensue, regardless of demographic.

"Emails that contain video have a click-through rate that’s over 300% higher than that of traditional emails with no video." Source: Poll the People.

Harness the latest trends in video marketing and capture the attention of a scattered audience... Good luck!

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